Those of you who auto vote 0 because its a kitty krew flash can go die. Something really god could be in store but most reviews i see for a KK flash, even some of mine say 0'd cause its a KK flash.
Well have you seen a KK beatdown? By the Nogfish? Yeah that got us front page. Maybe if you shits would stop auto voting then we wouldnt be submitting shit all the time. cause you know 0'ing it wont make us stop anymore. But ounce you guys ACTUALLY FUCKING WATCH THE GODDAMN MOVIE you will see our skill. You fucktards as just as bad as us for voting 0 on all of our flash.
I hope Tom still goes by that rule "If you Auto vote we can turn that B/P into 0" You gotta be 10 or 5 to auto vote 0 because of the group. Thats like saying you hate someone cause they are friends with someone else you dont like wich is PURE FUCKING CHILDISH! All you auto voters are UNDERAGED and IMMATURE. Maybe the KK will start auto voting 0 on all your shit. Then you can see exactly what we mean.
We should start leaving reviews like "Oh I didn't watch it but you made it and I dont like you so im going to vote 0" Then you'd be pretty pissed huh? Espicially If it something you worked hard on and we just took it as trash and threw it away without looking at it. YOU MUST HAVE BALLS OF STEEL TO BE THAT FUCKING STUPID.
Now think about this, Cause were seriouse. If we have to 0 all your shit to give us some respect and watch our flash we will.
Infact I worked pretty hard on a flash and submitted it Last saturday. And I got reviews saying "I 0'd it cause its a kitty krew flash" YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING RETARDED TO EVEN ADMIT YOU DIDNT WATCH IT!
Those of you who dont feel I have a point are fucking retarded.
Face it. 99.9% of the KK's movies ARE utter crap.
I've only seen one good one ever, and the person doesn't even have "kitty" in his user name.
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